The rise of technology and the arrival of Web 2.0 and the "Internet of Things" has encouraged the progression of digital design and interactive media; I have always found new technologies interesting and how they have shaped the design world. Jobs that didn’t exist 5-10 years ago are now at the forefront of the industry. My work explores conceptual ideas whilst utilising new technologies and emerging areas of design.
Virtual Reality Wellbeing
Self Initiated Project - As a sufferer of sleep paralysis, I have tried many techniques to unwind and relax before bed often with little success. In exploring the use of VR technology this project aimed to create an immersive virtual reality experience to help others with various sleep disorders/anxiety and overall wellbeing.
I created 5 virtual reality environments which were made into 360 Degree videos, I chose 5 environments to mimic the 5 cycles of sleep we tend to go through every night.
Encoded Object
I carefully analysed the data of my chosen object which was a precious opal stone.
I decided to focus on the nano-structure of the opal and how this creates the play of colour you see within it. This led me onto experimenting with light as a medium to create the colour spectrum, and then onto experimenting with RGB channels with image processing.
I combined my research of RGB holograms (using nano particles) with my knowledge of the opals nano-structure to create a design fiction research paper, that would explain how we could potentially use this information in the future to generate a high-definition hologram of ourselves for identity verification purposes.
I based my creation of the 'encoded object' on speculative design thinking so I created prototypes of what the encoded object could look like and also an animation to show the reconstruction of the RGB particles to create a full colour hologram image of myself.
Industry Practice
As part of the Industry Practice brief I decided to re-design and develop upon an existing app which was created as a guide for transition patients with liver disease (funded by the CLDF charity), the app had some useful features but it was text heavy and the user journey was very linear.
Therefore I created a framework that flows better which utilises the existing features to create a more interactive experience for the target audience (age 14-25).