/Jack Watkinson-Boone
Jack is a British designer with a passion for branding and typography. He has worked at the global marketing agency Isobar and is ambitious, dedicated and keen to constantly push himself to achieve exceptional results. 
Liberty & Democracy

In 2014, an online organization named 'Womenon20s' established a campaign to encourage the U.S government to redesign the $20 bill. Their aim was for 7th President, Andrew Jackson to be replaced by the vignette of an influential female figure. This was well overdue. The last time that a woman appeared on U.S paper currency was around 120 years ago when the one-dollar bill featured the portrait of First Lady Martha Washington.

In 2015, after more than 600,000 votes and a wealth of media coverage, the 'Womenon20s' organization announced that the online poll had named the clear winner to replace Jackson as abolitionist and humanitarian Harriet Tubman. After news of the overwhelming desire for change reached the White House, the then Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew announced that a woman would indeed feature, but on the $10 denomination.

Why have you chosen Rosa Parks and not Harriet Tubman?

When selecting a historical figure to immortalize on paper currency, there are several worthy candidates, all deserving of consideration. In this scenario, Tubman would feature on the $20.

My project interrogates an overhaul of the $10. Rosa Parks is an iconic female figure who stood up to injustice. Her actions prompted the civil rights movement, eventually leading to the March on Washington (1963) and the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the 88th Congress.

If you would like to know more about the decision to select Rosa Parks please copy and paste this link into your browser - https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-106publ26/pdf/PLAW-106publ26.pdf

The outcome of this project is the result of my passion and fascination with U.S currency. In understanding the Treasury's design direction, the bill mirrors the skeleton of the current $100 and intends to highlight the pillars of the U.S civil rights movement.

Spaceport UK

News of Britain's first spaceport provided the inspiration for this set of Branding outcomes.

The price of space travel naturally positions this experience in the haute-luxe sector, a region only accessible to those with significant wealth or celebrity status. As a Formula One fan, it seemed natural to draw inspiration from this exclusive sport which, like the Astronautics industry, implements cutting-edge technologies, many of them far too expensive for general commercial use. 

Coupled with a royal purple tone to denote an elite experience, each small element is designed to add to the truly unforgettable opportunity to visit space.


This project was a response to a brief on Typography in which I set myself the challenge of creating a typeface constrained by the track geometry of a children's wooden railway. Whilst interesting as a digital image, my overall intent, was to demonstrate professional capabilities using Adobe Illustrator and to see my work realised as a 3-dimensional laser cut product, capable of retrofitting into many of the widely available wooden railway sets